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Louis Lacamp appointed as Co-Chairman of the China Committee of the Paris Bar

The China Committee of the Paris Bar assists the Bar Association in its relations with China

Avocat spécialisé Chine

The China Committee of the Paris Bar was set up by the President of the Bar Association Christiane Feral-Schuhl on January 1st, 2012.


Its main objectives are :


- to report on all events related to the practice of Chinese law ;


- to assist the Bar Association in its cooperation with the Chinese judicial world (support for professional travel of the President or members of the Council of the Bar Association in China, exchanges with our Chinese colleagues).


In particular, it organizes a monthly training module in Chinese law, which lasts two hours (counted as continuing education for lawyers), each session being entrusted to a speaker - lawyer, academic, magistrate, representative of company - chosen for itd competences.


The full presentation of the Committee can be accessed here.


Last update : October 1st, 2021

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